Hariyaali Organics

Rose Tea

Experience elegance and delight with our exquisite rose teas - Gulabi and Sugandha

Indulge your senses in the delicate allure of rose petals with our captivating rose teas – Gulabi and Sugandha. Crafted to perfection, these tea blends offer a harmonious fusion of fragrant rose blossoms, geranium leaves and hibiscus subdariffa calyxes, resulting in a beverage that is not only visually stunning but also a treat for your taste buds. Whether enjoyed as a calming afternoon ritual or a romantic evening indulgence, our Rose Tea promises an enchanting experience like no other.

Health and Wellness Benefits


Rich in Antioxidants

Both rose petals and geranium  leaves are known sources of antioxidants, which can help combat oxidative stress and promote overall well-being.


Skin Health

The potential skin-enhancing properties of rose petals, including their natural vitamin C content, may contribute to a healthy complexion.



The soothing aroma of roses can have a positive impact on mood and emotional well-being, making Rose Tea a delightful addition to relaxation routines.

Brewing Instructions

Incorporate Rose Tea into your lifestyle

Whether enjoyed in the morning to start your day off on a healthy note or as a calming evening ritual, our  enchanting rose teas Gulabi and Sugandha, are a simple yet effective way to prioritize your well-being. By incorporating this nourishing blend into your routine, you are taking a proactive step towards supporting your immune system’s natural functions and embracing a more vibrant life.

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